The English2GrowtH program offers a FREE (rural and urban scholars sponsored by local municipalities) or PAID 12-month online training for English language standardized tests; for example, the TOEFL® is a certificate with high value and acceptance around the world. This will open opportunities for admissions at the best international universities, and boost your resumé, as well.
In addition, the $60 000 AINY-Scholarship will be designated to the best English2GrowtH social-impact projects per region in Perú. Partnered with the Agency of International New-York Collaboration in Sustainability (AINY), English2GrowtH longs for the development of proposals for the solution of local problematic realities, with the advice of great New York State professionals and the support of these workshops for the participants who are part of the program:
• Systems Thinking Approach.
• Intro to Sustainable Communities.
• Intro to Program Evaluation.
• Intro to Project Management.
• Intro to Theory of Change and Logic Models.
• Intro to Nonprofit Organization Management.
The English2Growth pre-implementation evaluation has started, in order to run the program since January 2021. Please, if you are interested to participate, complete this 2-min form and share this page with possible interested people.
Wish you great success! Healthy thoughts for you all!