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Cultural Association

¡Make a difference today!

#StayAtHome if you may,#WearAMask and help your community as much as you might.

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Stoney River



The community is embarking on an odyssey to scientifically demonstrate that there really is a deep relationship between culture and sustainable communities, since, in our beautiful Cajamarca-Peru, one could not speak of 'sustainable communities' until incorporating ancestral knowledge, the Andean cosmovision (worldview) and local living culture (s) (ways of life, traditions, habits and good practices) in a dynamic with a holistic approach.

We envision an Index of Culture as Sustainable Development, as a true point of support, with relevant indicators to generate the long-awaited social change, from the local approach and influencing higher levels of governance.


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Industrial Smoke

One step at a time

Foggy Forest

Strenghtening our compromise

Environment Pollution

Helping our community

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Reading a Book

Contact CAXAS Cultural Association

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“AYNI” – The Andean Cosmovision

66 Murray St. Binghamton, New York -13905 US WApp: +1 (607) 821 9011

©2020 CAXAS Asociación Cultural & AINYpe

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